The recovery time objective (RTO) is the maximum tolerable length of time that a computer, system, network, or application can be down after a failure or disaster occurs.
Unfortunately, many companies fail to meet their Disaster Recovery RTOs because of the top three common mistakes detailed below.
1. Unrealistic Expectations;
Many backup products today follow the rule of thumb that it will take businesses 50% longer to restore their entire systems than the original backup. Many businesses have been failing to meet their RTO because of believing that the recovery time will be the same as how long it takes to back up the differences each day to tape. It may take 12 hours to back up the differences each night, however if the initial original backup of the entire database and systems took 48 hours then imagine how long it will take to restore all the databases and systems after a disaster!
This is because, unlike other backup and recovery software products, TBMR is unique in its ability to recover directly from the TSM server enabling:
- A fast recovery of a system within minutes
- Simultaneous recovery of machines, meaning an entire data center can be recovered in just a few hours!
2. Backing up the raw data only or even creating the wrong type of backup;
It is a common mistake for people to forget to back up the system files that allow you to access and use the data. For example, people will back up their Windows data, but forget to backup the system state information necessary to restore the entire server.
You no longer have to risk forgetting to backup your key system files with Cristie Software’s TBMR solution. This is because the recovered machine is an identical copy of the original, which is not the case when software is re-installed. This gives you complete peace of mind that the entire server will be recovered. This is crucial for machines that have been fine-tuned over a long period of time, such as those used in production lines.
3. Using a tape backup medium;
If your backup medium is tape, the recovery process is drastically lengthened which causes a failure to meet your disaster recovery RTO. This is because of tape contention whereby multiple recovery tasks rely on the data set residing on the same tape causing the restores to run serially instead of in parallel which greatly increases the recovery time.
You can minimize tape contention by:
- Always take in to account the recovery process when you are creating backups
- Prioritizing your recovery by infrastructure dependencies and significance of the applications
- Assess your backup strategy to ensure that your crucial data is not getting backed up to the same tapes
Don’t ever fail to meet your RTO again: Invest in TBMR.
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