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Friday, January 17, 2014

Back to basics: What is Cloud Computing and what should it mean to you?

#CloneManager  @CristieSoftware

Everybody seems to have a different definition when it comes to the ‘Cloud.’ When combined with ‘computing’ the meaning gets even vaster and more complicated. One of the simplest and narrowest descriptions of cloud computing is it being multiple virtual servers available over the internet. It is an updated version of utility computing, helping IT to create virtual data-centers from commodity servers on demand. Nowadays with such cloud-based interconnection, cloud computing could be more accurately described as ‘sky computing’ with many isolated clouds of services which IT customers must plug into individually. Cloud computing provides users with the ability to store digital files and access them from multiple internet-connected devices at any time and any place.

The growing popularity among businesses, who are adopting cloud computing, is the ability to increase capacity and add capabilities to fulfill IT needs without having to invest in new infrastructure, training new personnel, or licensing new software. Storing data in the cloud means that hardware expenses and storage spaces are cut, which is why an increasing number of businesses are migrating their data-centers to the cloud.

According to the Cisco® Global Cloud Index nearly two-thirds of all workloads will be processed in the cloud by 2017!

Have you made the transition yet?

Check out CloneManager™ the system migration software product. What makes CloneManager™ different from other migration tools currently on the market is that:
  •      It can migrate in any direction (between Virtual, Cloud and Physical environments)
  •      It will migrate the following OS machines: Windows Linux Solaris & AIX
  •      It can customize and optimize the machine for the cloud environment DURING the cloud process
  •      The CloneSync feature rapidly synchronizes a previously cloned machine with its source machine without having to repeat a full migration process
  •      It has been developed using its own transport mechanism and web services which is resilient, robust, tolerant and fast for transfers of data from source to target machines (clones can be performed quickly and reliably over networks with large amounts of data and even with restricted bandwidths)

To find out more, contact a member of our sales team on: +44 1453 847000 or by using any of the links below:

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