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Friday, August 2, 2013

Being prepared for the recovery mountain survey currently being undertaken by the newly formed Disaster Recovery Preparedness Council brings up a point of best practice that IT professionals around the world have been hammering into the business mind-set for some time.

In short, any company that ‘doesn’t need’ a Disaster Recovery procedure for recovering systems and servers must exist in a parallel dimension. As has been pointed out by the DRPC and many others, human error is the primary culprit for system failure, and we do not yet live in a world where human interaction is unnecessary. So it’s fair to say that if you still employ human beings on your staff, you will need a DR plan.

But at the rate business data is expanding, any DR plan for ensuring its recovery will need updating three or more times a year, and where do you find the time? Manually going through every point-of-time backup for even a small business is a mountain which you could only wish was a molehill. 

The upshot of this is that even in the face of alarming statistics on human error, only tier 1 system backups truly get the attention they need. Production systems in tier 2-3 will get left out, despite the fact that these systems are the ones running the branch office, point of sale and production environments. 

So balancing hours, or even days of lost production because of one suspect backup; against the cost of automating your DR testing procedures, tips only one way. 

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